Grainger IDEA Lab

The IDEA Lab provides space and technology for collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship and supports a wide range of digital scholarship activities. The VR Lounge is available for exploring virtual reality and augmented reality technologies including the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Microsoft Hololens.
IDEA Lab website
Media Commons
The Media Commons is a collaborative campus effort that provides students and faculty opportunities to experiment with emerging technologies, with expanded opportunities to learn of best practices in educational technology.
Media Commons website

The VR Lab at the Armory serves as a research and testing grounds for faculty and students interested in exploring the educational potential of existing VR experiences, or in developing and assessing their own interactive VR content. Currently the lab has a HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and several Oculus GO headsets.
VR Lab website
CITL TechHub

The TechHub is a hands-on emerging technology showcase with walk-in hours for students, faculty and the community to try out a variety of technologies including the HTC Vive, Sony Playstation VR andĀ Oculus GO VR headsets.
TechHub Website
Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering
Virtual Reality Laboratory
Director: Professor T. Kesavadas
Virtual Reality lab focuses on fundamental and applied research in virtual reality and robotics for medical applications. Research in virtual reality includes surgical simulations as well as development of virtual training environments and curriculums.
Health Care Engineering Systems Center
Virtual Reality Laboratory
The students and faculty here are pioneering the use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in areas such as surgery, remote robotic control and future cyberphysical systems. The faculty involved in our projects pool their expertise from fields as diverse as mathematics, mechanical sciences, computer science, aerospace engineering and medical sciences.
Our work is supported by National Science Foundation, Jump ARCHES endowment, and industrial support from many sources. Please contact us if you have an idea for a collaborative project.
Our VR Lab is located in the Health Care Engineering Systems Center at CSL Studios.