
Virtual Platforms for Meet Ups

Ever consider using a virtual platform for meeting ups? A group of us at CITL have looked into various online meeting platforms including Around, Gather, High Fidelity, Hubs, Team Flow,…

Laura Shackelford VRchaeology Talk

Dr. Laura Shackelford, an associate professor from the Department of Anthropology here at UIUC met with members of VR Club to discuss her ongoing research and development of VRchaeology. The…

VR in the Medical Field

VR is not only for entertainment or courses, but can be used to help people mentally and physically. A group of University of Illinois faculty has just gotten their work…

VR in the News

During the Fall semester, Professor Vincenzi took her class to the virtual world of art and design to create dresses using the Google Tilt Brush. Once the students designed their…

MACS 326 VR Stories in 360

MACS 326 encourages students to use digital media in the development of virtual communities and virtual worlds, evolving forms of digital representation and communication, digital visual cultures, features of new…

Fashion Critique in Komodo

During mid-October Chiara Vincenzi, Clinical Assistant Professor in Art + Design, met in small groups of students at the CITL Innovation Studio to peer critique their fashion designs in VR…

Architecture Course Holds Conference in Virtual Reality

Students in Tait Johnson’s ARCH 593: Design and Construction Futures held the School’s first conference in Virtual Reality on May 6th! Students designed two virtual conference rooms using Rhino modeling software, then…

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