CITL’s TechHub, located in Armory Building room 151A, is a hands-on emerging technology showcase with walk-in hours for students, faculty and the community to try out a variety of technologies including the HTC Vive, Magic Leap, and Oculus Quest headsets.
Technology on Display
- 360° Camera with GoPro Fusion
- 3D Scanning with Structure
- 3D Printing with Ultimaker 2+ (4)
- Digital Assistants with Google Home Mini
- Digital Inking with Wacom Cintiq 22HD and Microsoft Surface Pro 4
- Drones with DJI Mavic Air (and others)
- Laser Cutting with Glowforge
- Mixed | Augmented Reality with Magic Leap One and HP Reveal
- Virtual Reality with HTC Vive, Oculus Quest, and Oculus Go